How to Take Care of Timber During Storage
admin admin | Jan 17, 2019
Timber is a very common construction material. However, unlike other common building items like cement, lead pipes and electrical wiring, transporting and storing timber require a lot of care and proper handling. If not handled and stored correctly, the quality of timber can deteriorate much faster, leading to wasted resources.
We listed down a few simple but effective tips to help you preserve the quality of timber during storage. Here are some of them:
Keep timber indoors if possible
Being exposed to rainfall, sunlight, wind and other harsh elements can cause damage to your timber. Without adequate protection, your wood supplies might warp, bend, shrink and become discoloured. It can even lead to the presence of insects and moulds. All of these can affect the quality of wood, which is why storing them in well-ventilated indoor areas is the best way to protect them from damage caused by these factors.
Place them on flat surfaces
When storing timber, make sure they are placed on a flat, dry surface. Never store them horizontally. Doing these will ensure that no bowing or warping occurs, allowing your timber to keep their flatness while in storage. If stacking timber pieces of varying sizes, place the largest piece at the bottom.
Minimise floor contact
Make sure that direct contact with the floor is minimised. This is because in some buildings, moisture from the basement or crawl space can make the floor above them moist. This in turn will affect the quality of timber if placed directly on the floor. To avoid this, place your timber on a flat surface that is raised at least 150mm off the ground.
Coat the ends of each piece
If you’re planning to store your timber for a very long time, i.e. a year or longer, make sure that coatings are applied over the ends of each piece. Doing this prevents splits and cracks on the ends, preserving the quality of your wood even in prolonged periods of storage. Some of the most common coatings that you can use in this regard are coal tar, micro crystalline wax polish, and aluminium leaf paint.
Use timber covers
Aside from keeping them indoors on flat and raised surfaces, placing timber wraps over them also helps in keeping the quality of your timber intact during storage. Most timber wraps are made with materials that allow them to significantly minimise the effects of weathering on timber. They are also affordable and most are durable enough to be reused.
Label them properly
Labeling your timber is as important as protecting them from the harsh elements. Doing this helps handlers identify information relevant to the handling and deployment of each piece, such as what type of wood it is and how long it has been stored within the facility. Don’t use regular markers, though. Instead, use markers that are safe to use on them, such as timber crayons.
Timber covers and markers by Hunter Industrial Supplies
Hunter Industrial Supplies provides essential items such as timber covers and lumber crayons to help you preserve the quality of timber during storage and transport. Visit the Hunter Industrial Supplies website to view our full catalogue. For more tips on storage, don’t forget to read our other blog posts!