Polyester(PET) Strapping and Accessories
PET's unique characteristics make it a standout amongst other lashing materials to use for securing any sort of palletized stack, particularly centre plate. Shipments may be large or small, PET strapping is preferred for its efficiency, tensile and break strength. Polyester PET will sustain impact loads and aggression. We cater a large range of PET strapping dispensers, PET strapping tools, polyester PET strapping at competitive rates in the market with assured high quality.
- STB-75 STRAPEX BATTERY STRAPPING TOOLFeatures & Benefits Real time indication of applied...
Starting at A$6,129.78
Starting at A$143.93
- POLYESTER (PET) SEALSUse these poly strapping seals for sealing straps made of...
Starting at A$119.55
- BXT3 Battery Strapping Tool Price on Availability Features & Benefits Real time indication of applied...
- POLYESTER (PET) STRAPPINGThis polyester (pet) strapping is the perfect strapping and...
Starting at A$167.88
- POLYESTER (PET) STRAPPING DISPENSERThis poly strapping dispenser features an adjustable lock...
Starting at A$762.39
- PET STRAPPING TENSIONERThis poly strap tensioner is an essential tool for...
Starting at A$218.75